



Robotics & Automation Committee of CWS

Melted Welding & Equipments Committee of CWS

Editorial Board of Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing


Chinese Welding Society (CWS)

Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES)

Chinese Welding Association (CWA)

Shanghai Welding Society (SWS)

State Key Laboratory of AWJ,HIT

State Key Laboratory of APRNM,LUT


Key Laboratory of LAWJT,DLUT

Shanghai Key Laboratory of MLPM (SJTU)

Prof. Zhili FENG, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA

     Dr. Zhili Feng is Group Leader of Materials Processing and Joining Group, and a Distinguished R&D Staff of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He manages a diverse R&D portfolio aimed at addressing the materials processing and joining needs from automotive, aerospace, nuclear, petrochemical and power generation industries. His primary interest is in thermal-mechanical-metallurgical behaviors of materials during processing and joining. Most recent work included integrated computational welding engineering (ICWE), proactive weld residual stress control and management, friction stir welding and processing, characterization of weld by advanced neutron and synchrotron scattering, and novel solid-state joining processes of dissimilar metals. Dr. Feng received his PhD in Welding Engineering from the Ohio State University. He is a Fellow of the American Welding Society, a Joint Faculty Professor of University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Guest Professor of Tsinghua University. Dr. Feng has broad interactions with industry, and extensive experience in solving critical industry problems.